The dental hygienic world is a world unto itself. The importance of continually furthering your education can prove to be invaluable for you and your future endeavors in life as an oral hygienist specialist.
In this list, we have compiled 7 surprising facts about dental hygiene that may blow your mind – and as a result, give you the incentive to delve more into your dental hygiene continuing education.
The more you know, the better a dental hygienist you can be.
7 Amazing Facts

# 1 – Caps Are More Detrimental Than Helpful
What may come as a surprise to many is the fact that caps are much more detrimental than helpful. This comes as result of the moisture that is entrapped in the cap, and as a result, this is a perfect place for bacteria to form and grow.

# 2 – Around 3/4 of Americans Suffer From Periodontal Gum Disease
It is no secret that our mouths are a great place for bacteria to form and reside. Hence the reason to brush, floss and gargle daily. The bacteria that is found in our mouth can develop into plaque, and if not treated, by brushing and flossing, the plaque can become tartar, which makes it impossible to clean.

# 3 – Soft Drinks Hurt Your Teeth
Soft drinks are 62% of the reason people suffer from tooth decay. The cause for people losing their teeth is as a result of sugar which acts as one of the primary culprits for those losing their teeth. It is recommended that those who drink soft drinks do so through a straw so not to make the sugar, which is found in the sweet drink, to linger on your teeth.

# 4 – The Origin of The Toothbrush Was First Manufactured In China
As early as 1498 bristles from badgers, horse and hogs were used are the first form of bristles for a toothbrush. In 1938 toothbrushes was the first introduction to commercial toothbrushes and without using the bristle from animals.

# 5 – Fluoridated Toothpaste Can Lead To Toxicity If Ingested
This may come as no shock since many kinds of toothpaste have warnings on their boxes and the toothpaste tube; fluoride is a toxic and aside from it causing toxicity if ingested it also has the adverse effect of permanently discoloring your teeth if used too much.

# 6 – You Should Replace Your Toothbrush After A Flu
Microbes can implant themselves on toothbrush bristles while you are sick. So it is highly recommended if you do not want to get sick again that you replace your toothbrush.

# 7 – Newborn Babies Have No Tooth Decaying Bacteria
Newborn babies do not have oral bacteria, hence is why they don’t have bad breath. The oral bacteria that they do get – initially – comes from the interaction the baby receives from the parent kisses or the blowing on hot food before feeding the child.
Final Thought
The importance of continually furthering your education is incredibly salient, especially for you seeks to get involved intros highly professional and lucrative profession. The more knowledgeable you are as an oral hygienist, the better you will be able to assist your clients.